Disability Awareness Day
The different schools of Lokvishwas Pratishthan celebrates all relevant days related to disability, to draw the attention of the general public, politicians and developmental authorities towards the achievement and accomplishment of Special Children. And also to promote better and healthy life, respectability, self esteem, education and work for these children.
To make the public realize that these days are not days merely extend our sympathies to these children, but to see it as an opportunity to make a ‘difference’ in their lives.
Following days are celebrated:
- International Day of Deaf (every year in last week i.e. last Sunday of the month of September),to create awareness among the public to show how much the Hearing Impaired could contribute to society and the country’s economic growth.
- White Cane Day (every year on 15th October), to celebrate the achievements of people who are visually impaired.
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities (every year on 3rd December), to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well being of persons with disabilities.
- World Autism Awareness Day (every year on 2nd April) , to make people understand autism, and accept people with autism, foster world wide support, spread kindness, awareness and inspire people.
- World Cerebral Palsy Day (every year on 6th October), to recognize and celebrate the 17 million people around the world living with cerebral palsy.
- World Down Syndrome Day is observed on 21st day of the 3rd month that is March because it was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome. It is celebrated in order to empower children with Down Syndrome and encourage their maximum participation in the community. It’s the day to appreciate their talents and achievements and most importantly to reach out to the key stakeholders like education, health, social professionals, media, etc to disseminate this message and bring about a change.
- World Braille Day Observed every year on 4th January to recognize and respect the efforts of Louis Braille World Braille Day spread awareness about Braille. Everyone deserves the same accommodations and services, regardless of abilities
As a part of this celebration we hold activities, conduct rallies and informative lectures, public information campaigns, visit to places like old age homes, orphanages, schools, colleges and organize various competitions for the entertainment of our special children.